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Del Sol High School is following all established procedures set by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), and will seek initial WASC accreditation in the 2023-2024 school year.

what is wasc

Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) is the accrediting body that confirms our program here at RMHS meets the requirements for colleges and universities in the US. Accreditation validates our transcripts and ensures our students will be eligible for acceptance to 4-year colleges and universities.

The WASC process is a 6-year cycle, which includes a Self-Study Report, a four-day visit from the WASC Visiting Committee (VC), and usually a Mid-Cycle Progress Report in the third year. 

All stakeholders will be involved in contributing to the Self-Study Report. RMHS stakeholders include students, parents, faculty, staff, site and district administration, and community members. We welcome new stakeholders to assist in the Self-Study process.